MMS ACADEMY – program announcement
10. April 2019Podcast: Part 021 Energy optimization
17. April 2019
Kon-Cept with its development center in Haag, Lower Austria, has recently been awarded the Seal of Quality for promoting corporate health care.
The testing and checking procedure lasted two years and included several workshops of an independent institute with renowned experts who evaluated the current situation in our company. They found that Kon-Cept does not look upon health issues in an isolated fashion but as an integral part of its company culture. Kon-cept does not just talk about health but takes a number of health-promoting measures that our employees can actually experience in their daily work.
“We are proud to have received the BGF Seal of Quality and will continue to take on the challenges that come with being a leading employer in our region who makes his employees´ health his true concern”, says Johann Scholler, COO & Head of HR of Kon-Cept.